Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Forks and Cups

Ben is growing up so fast! He's just about mastered using a spoon, and was ready to try the more challenging fork!

Hmmm, what do I do first?

This doesn't seem very useful.

Ohh, you use it this way...how cool is that?!

Mmmm, delicious!

Now can I try a real cup? Promise I won't spill!

See, I'm a natural!

Look, both at once!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sandbox fun!

Ben has discovered his swingset and sandbox this spring! He has no patience for me to change clothes or shoes when we get home from work/daycare. He wants to play NOW! And how can we say no when he clearly has so much fun?

Whoa! Look how high I'm going!

All of this sand just makes me feel CRAZY!

Cool, a new hat!

No, I didn't eat any sand, why do you ask?