Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Spring is here! And that means yardwork. Mike is quite excited to have a little helper and put him straight to work.

"Daddy, this isn't what I meant when I said I wanted to play outside!"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Although Ben gets together with a lot of friends, he has never had a playdate with a friend from daycare. So, on Saturday he was beyond excited to have his friend Parker from daycare come over to play. He was very proud to show off his toys and his swing set. Those two boys had so much fun, and it was great to see their interactions! We realized that Ben has a lot of girl friends and not nearly as many opportunities to play with boys so it was fun to see all the things that two boys do. Ben learned from Parker how to climb up the slide, and Ben got to show Parker the geese that live in the pond nearby and his wagon! The cutest was their excitement in "climbing a tree."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Egg Hunts!

Ben had a lot of chances to hunt for eggs this year, and each time seemed new and exciting to him! They did a small egg hunt at his daycare. He was very proud of the eggs he brought home...of course, filled with candy!

On Saturday, we celebrated Easter with Stays down at Mom and Dad Stay's house in Shakopee. The Easter Bunny thought they had a great yard for hiding eggs (over 50 of them!) and the kids had a blast searching for them!

On the hunt!

Tricky bunny! He hid eggs everywhere!

Checking out who had found the most eggs....

Hmmm...was this the bunny who hid the eggs?!

And of course the Easter Bunny didn't forget to come to Ben's house Saturday night! Ben was very excited to find a basket full of candy that was left for him. And of course, more eggs to hunt for.

Look! Jelly beans!

I think he hid eggs this way.

Here's one!

Look! I found the last egg! It's green!
We hope everyone had a happy and blessed Easter 2009!