Ben's birthday, although celebrated with parties last weekend, still proved to be quite the event today! First, a fun birthday lunch at Chucky Cheese, and then off to the Apple Orchard. It was a beautiful day! Although we didn't get pictures of it, we went on a fun wagon ride and picked some apples right off the tree. Then after playing hard, we had a yummy apple fritter snack and cider!


Farmer Ben

Sliding down Hay Mountain

"Look at me! I'm bigger than Daddy!"

"I'm the bus driver Daddy, you be the kid!"

Hollowed out logs...who knew they were so much fun!

"Put your seatbelt on Mommy!"

Ben couldn't be fooled by this maze!

After a full day of fun, we had Ben's favorite meal for dinner - Mac and Cheese! And of course, you can't have a birthday without a candle!