Sorry I haven't blogged in a while - my mom and dad have been keeping me pretty busy. For example, two weekends ago they brought me to Grandpa and Grandma Shallman's house up in Crosslake. I had so much fun!

We read books.

We watched people play the "WII" - whatever that is. The big people sure seemed to like it.

Hit a home run Hunter!

Rock it Uncle Steve!

I went sledding with Hunter.
Look at my cool boots!

Ava and I watched for deer.

We all ate a lot of good food.

Ava met a friendly bear! I didn't know bears wore PJ's too!

And we read more books.
I can't wait to go up again!!!
Thanks for playing with me last weekend Ben! I sure had a good time.
I can't believe you two are writing back and forth as Ava and Ben. Too funny!!!! Who can I pretend to be?
Hmmm, let me can pretend to be someone who's funny...or cool...or not gay...there's lot's of people you can pretend to be. Welcome to my Blog! Come back often!
Love, Ben
Wow, Ben's got a little attitude...I like it. (Why are we putting three periods after each phrase?...I don't know but I like it).
Ben we will have to hang out sometime. Perhaps when you turn 18 I will let you share a beer with me up north. By then I will be 44, and the creapy old man, but it will be good! You'll enjoy it.
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