Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Apple Orchard Fun

It's fall! Which means fun fall activites like the apple orchard! We went to the Minnetonka Orchards with our neighbors Nick, Jen and Lily, and with Jay, Erin and Kendall. Lucky Ben, he always seems to be the only boy surrounded by cute girls :) (I don't think he fully appreciates that yet). The orchard had all sorts of fun things for kids to do.

"Hey, let's get this thing moving!"

"Whoa, how do I get to that car?"

Ben sized ponies!

"Hey Kendall, do you see what I see?!"

"There's goats on the roof of the barn!!"

Our little pumpkin.

"HAY - Get us down from here!"

"Ewe! Girl germs!"

"Look at me, I'm 2 1/2 feet tall!"

"Riding" the tractor with Daddy.

What a great family fun day!

1 comment:

Julie said...

What a beautiful family photo! It looks like you're all enjoying some fun autumn activities!