Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shower Downstairs

Ben seems to do something everyday that makes us shake our head and think 'How old are you?! Your not even 2 yet!

For example, not expecting a response, I asked Ben how he was feeling after his first day back at daycare after being sick for two days...he surprised me by answering "I feeling better Mommy". He also shocked us and made us laugh when he asked the waitress at dinner on Saturday night for some more water! How grown up!!

What's really cute to see is him taking a shower. He's decided baths are out, and the shower "downstairs" is in-he relates taking a shower to downstairs so that's what he says when he let's us know he wants to shower and not take a bath.

Such a little guy, taking a shower all by himself!

He even wears a towel like one of the big guys!

He's growing up way too fast!!


Julie said...

Awe Ben! You're growig up - how cute are you bathing like a big boy!?

Sarah said...

Almost 2 already! WOW does time fly! He's adorable in the shower! Does he bubble up all by himself too!? I love that he asked the waitress for water. I'm sure it made her night! I can't wait to see you all at the holidays!